
5 Tips for Promoting Your Valentine’s Day Products

February is nearly here—the season for red hearts, flowers, and lots of sales. Cash in on this holiday by creating and selling Valentine’s day products! 

Use these five tips to promote your products effectively and get the biggest bang for your buck.

1. Share on social!

Sharing on social is a great way to promote your Valentine’s Day products—but it’s more involved than just adding a link to a post. You can help your post perform better when you:

  • Run a Valentine’s Day promotion on best-selling products
  • Use V-Day hashtags to attract holiday lovers
  • Boost engagement with interactive posts
  • Hold a V-Day themed event to showcase your products
  • Have a V-Day giveaway
  • Post playful, anti-Valentine’s Day products and messaging

2. Use Spring’s Boosted Network 

Valentine’s Day is a good reason to ensure that traffic to your store is converted to sales. To help, we created Spring’s Boosted Network—a service that helps boost sales by as much as 15% through enhanced promotional efforts, like email marketing. 

We’ll help keep on top of traffic to your store by sending out cart abandonment and product recommendation emails to your past purchasers. To learn more about our Boosted Network click HERE

3. Create promo codes

Promo codes are always a great go-to for any campaign. They provide incentives for fans to purchase right away or elsel lose out on a deal (which creates that FOMO feeling). 

Promo codes only take a few minutes to make and are a fantastic way to promote your Valentine’s Day merch and increase your sales. For a refresher on how to create promo codes, click HERE

4. Create a gift guide 

Go beyond just creating products and give helpful advice on what makes a great gift. It shows you’re putting thought behind the products that you are designing. You can then highlight different products, both physical and digital, and help fans envision how each one will be useful to them or their loved ones. Multiple sales opportunities!

5. Use Spring shelf integrations

Share your Valentine’s products seamlessly with your community through our platform integrations. You can use the Integrations Tab on your Dashboard to activate and customize your products on Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, Discord, and others. This way, fans will be able to see the items on your merch shelf within the platform. And it’s just one click for them to get to your store to purchase. For more details or a refresher, click HERE

Valentine’s is almost here and we’re here for it! Happy promoting and happy Valentine’s Day!


How to Make Money on YouTube as a Creator

It’s no surprise that many creators want to use YouTube to start making money. YouTube is the second most visited website in the world and generates over 1 billion hours of watch time every day. 

Its massive audience makes YouTube one of the best, most lucrative platforms for creators to be on. 

So while you might not have started your channel with the purpose of making money, there are so many opportunities to do so! Take a moment to learn how to profit off all your hard work by reading about the most effective ways to make money on YouTube as a creator below.

1. Create ads with YouTube’s Partner Program

One way to monetize your channel is to have Google-placed ads on your videos. Whether you’re a fan of ads or not, the fact is they work. 

In 2022, YouTube’s worldwide ad revenue in Q2 and Q3 was over $7 billion. The video platform pays creators 68% of ad revenue, which means they earned over $680 million from placed ads in those two quarters alone. 

If you want to join the party, you’ll need to enroll in YouTube’s Partner Program. To qualify, you will need: 

  • 1,000+ subscribers 
  • 4,000+ watched hours over the last year 
  • A Google AdSense account 

Once you’ve hit these milestones, you can read and agree to the terms of the Partner Program from your YouTube Studio (under Monetization).

Pro Tip: Keep in mind that the more ads you have before and during your video, the more difficult it will be to keep your fans’ attention. You also want to consider the age and demographic of your fans, so you can run ads that are relevant to your audience. It’s a numbers game in the end, so play around with your Monetization preferences to find what works for your channel.

2. Sell custom products with Spring’s YouTube merch shelf integration

We’re gonna toot our own horn because this is probably the most hassle-free way to monetize your channel. Spring allows creators to easily design and promote physical and digital products on their social channels, and you don’t have to hit any milestones to do it. 

With customized merch, you can:

  • Get fans engaged with your brand
  • Spread your influence beyond your channel 
  • Easily run promotions to drive sales
  • Keep offering new products to keep your income flowing

Once you have your custom merch created, you can add our YouTube integration to link your merch shelf to your channel, which makes your products display directly below your video. This way, fans can check out your merch before they click through to buy. 

Creating a Spring account is free and our dashboard allows you to create and sell within minutes. All you need is your creativity. Check out our quick walk-through video to get started.

3. Get paid subscribers with a YouTube channel membership

Users who opt for a channel membership pay a monthly fee for perks and exclusive content. You can also offer tiers of memberships at different monthly prices for different levels of perks.

Some common perks include:

  • Icon badges
  • Emojis
  • Live chat 
  • Exclusive videos

The best part? YouTube gives creators 70% of channel membership revenue (minus taxes & fees).

To be eligible you’ll also need 1,000+ subscribers and to be a part of the Partner Program. But some exclusions apply, like content cannot be made for kids or have claimed music (subject to a copyright). You’ll also have some restrictions on what your “perks” can be, so don’t offer content downloads, in-person meetings, lotteries and the like.  

What do users expect from a paid channel? Lots of content! If you’re not posting videos daily, then a channel membership might not be for you. It also will require more maintenance— creating all those perks for all those tiers takes time! 

4. Partner With Other Brands 

More and more brands are looking to partner with creators as part of their advertising on social media. When you partner with another brand, you will basically promote them in your video and your video description. 

Here are two ways to go about it:

  1. Get a sponsor: When you have a sponsor, you will include their promoted content in your video. Brands will pay a flat fee based on the number of views you typically get per video, and this can range from a couple hundred dollars up to 5 figures for those creators with over 1 million subscribers. To find sponsor opportunities, check out the Upfluence marketplace.
  2. Affiliate marketing: You can earn a commission when a user purchases a product or service that you have promoted, either through product placement or a direct endorsement. It’s a win-win for brands, as they don’t pay you until they’ve made a sale. This will be most effective if you include products or services that align with your brand and style, as it’s basically your endorsement that fans will rely on when purchasing. You can reach out to brands in your niche to see if they’re interested (many are).


As you can see, there are a lot of pathways to start monetizing your YouTube channel. Just make sure to consistently work on growing your audience. The more subscribers you have, the better the results of your monetization efforts will be.

One of our biggest goals at Spring is to help creators realize their potential. So check out our blog for more creator success tips and tricks!

Insights News

How to prepare for the U.S. 2022 tax season

Tax season is upon us. Creators who have requested more than $600 USD in payouts in 2022 may be prompted to provide more information by filling out a 1099 form.

If you’ve previously completed the form, but your Tax Exemption Type has changed within the calendar year (for example, from Individual to Corporation) please notify us as soon as possible by emailing

Note: If you have multiple accounts on Spring, you will need to update your account information for each, as we will be merging your payout amount into one 1099 form.

1. Identify yourself

If you’ve received over $600 in payouts from Spring in 2022, you may be prompted to fill out the tax information form. The first part of the form asks you to identify yourself—this information helps us determine if you need to receive a 1099. See further explanation of each option below:

  • Corporation: If you are filing taxes as a corporation.
  • Individual: If you are filing taxes as an individual.
  • Non-profit: Select this option if you are filing taxes as a 501(c) organization (non-profit organization).
  • International: Select this option if you are an international entity (you reside year-round outside of the U.S).

Please note, only individuals will receive a Form 1099. Corporations, partnerships, LLCs, and international entities etc are responsible for reporting taxes themselves by consulting a tax accountant.

2. Check your account information

Remember you have until Wednesday, January 20th, 2023 at 11:59PM PST to update your tax info within your Spring account settings.

  • Make sure your Spring account email is valid (we’ll email you your 1099 form to this email address).
  • Make sure the default address in your dashboard under “Settings” is correct.
  • Remember to notify if your Tax Exemption Type has changed (for example, from Individual to Corporation).

Make sure your default address reflects your residential address during the calendar year.

If you don’t update your information and do not receive a 1099 form, it’s still your responsibility to file your taxes properly based on your earnings, including earnings from Spring. We cannot provide tax advice—please consult a tax professional.

A link to your 1099 form will be sent to the email address associated with your Spring account by January 31, 2023.


5 Habits of Successful Content Creators

Most content creators want their passion to support them and become their full-time job. And it’s easy to understand why. Getting paid to do what you love is the ultimate career path. 

But how do successful content creators make that dream a reality?

Hard work and good habits.

But don’t skim over the key word here–habits.

It takes an average of 18 to 254 days for a person to build a habit, as well as an average of 6.5 months for a content creator to earn their first dollar. 

In other words, you need to play the long game and maintain good habits if you want to become a successful content creator. Overnight success is rare and hard to sustain, whereas good habits and hard work help you create a more stable and reliable source of income over time.

Take MrBeast, a famous YouTuber, as an example. His journey on YouTube started in 2012 when he was just 13 years old. 

He posted content religiously for years, but it wasn’t until 2016 (4 years later) that his account hit over 30K followers. Now, at just 24 years old, he has been named the highest-earning creator on the “Forbes” 2022 list of Highest-Paid Youtube Stars. His determination and passion for creating YouTube content made his success possible. 

So when you read through the five habits that successful content creators share below, make a plan to incorporate them into your life that you stick to day after day. Don’t lose heart if you don’t see dramatic results right away. The world’s most successful creators know how to play the long game, and anyone who wants to follow in their footsteps needs to learn how to as well.

5 habits that will help you become a successful content creator

1. Learn more about your industry every day.

Being passionate about an industry isn’t enough to make people want to listen to you. In order to grow your audience, you need to become an expert in your industry. 

Become the person people go to for advice and to learn about the latest trends. But don’t let this overwhelm you! Your passion will make learning more about your industry enjoyable.

If you don’t know how to start learning more about your industry, try the following:

  • Listen to podcasts
  • Read industry-related blogs 
  • Keep up to date with industry news (even if you just skim the highlights)
  • Watch relevant videos
  • Sign up for and read industry newsletters

While that’s not an exhaustive list, you can see that there are many ways to learn about your passion, even for those anti-readers out there.

The key is to avoid trying to become an expert overnight. Simply read, watch, or listen to one or two content pieces a day. When taken in small, daily doses, the information you absorb will help you create richer, more creative content naturally. 

2. Create a content schedule and stick to it!

Whether you’re a YouTuber, podcaster, blogger, influencer, etc., you need to turn out content regularly to become successful. In a perfect world, you would create content daily. 

But without a content schedule, you’re more than likely to fall behind your ideal timeline. 

Planning out your content ahead of time helps reduce the amount of time you spend every day wondering what you should create and how.

In fact, studies have shown that by taking 10-12 minutes to plan out your day, you can end up saving up to two hours of time that would have otherwise been unproductive to your goals.

Just make sure that your beautiful content calendar doesn’t get ignored. Once you have what you want to post and when planned out, take action and follow through with it. You’ll be happy you did.

3. Get to know your audience. 

You can create incredible content, but if it doesn’t resonate with your audience, it won’t get you anywhere. Pushing out content for the sake of posting often is an easy way to lose followers and deter new ones.

That’s why it’s so important to understand who your audience is and what type of content they want to hear.

Successful content creators put effort into identifying their target audience and create content that appeals to them.

A few good questions to ask yourself are:

  • What’s the age range of your audience?
  • What pain points do they experience?
  • Where are they located?
  • What language nuances resonates with your audience?
  • What type of content does your audience engage with?

Once you can answer those questions, craft your content with your target audience in mind. The best content creators do this for every piece of content they create because they understand that it’s a key part of their content’s success. 

4. Get comfortable performing research.

Successful content is backed with data, facts, and success stories. People want to absorb information that is valuable and accurate. 

If you start making content that isn’t reliable or trustworthy because you didn’t do your research first, then your followers will lose interest in what you have to say. 

This is especially true if you’re trying to sell anything as a result of your content. According to a PwC study, around 71% of people surveyed said that loss of trust would prevent them from buying from a brand or business. 

To avoid creating inaccurate content, make sure you get your facts and sources from reputable sites and don’t just use the first thing that pops up on Google search. 

Build content that builds credibility among your audience and establishes you as an authority figure on the subject matter.

5. Analyze your content’s performance.

One of the best ways to increase your success as a content creator is to see what content has performed well and what hasn’t. Those insights will help you get a better understanding of what type of content your target audience is looking for and enjoys.

You can do this by tracking how many likes, shares, reposts, and comments a blog or social post receives, how many views a video gets, how many times your podcast was played, and so on. 

By keeping track of your content’s analytics, you can set benchmarks to note the average performance of your content and use those metrics to see what content performed best. Use this information to try and duplicate your success by modifying your content calendar to embrace what’s working and get rid of content ideas that have been shown to underperform.


With over 200 million content creators in the world today, there’s more competition than ever before. But don’t let that number scare you. Many creators don’t have the determination or commitment to make their dream a reality.

If you take the time and energy to create good habits and stick to them, you’ll have a much better chance of becoming a successful content creator. 

For more tips and tricks on how to become a successful content creator, check out our blog and YouTube channel.