Creator success Promoting merch

7 Creative Ways to Use Short-Form Videos to Boost Merch Sales

Short-form videos are taking the stage across social media. 

They have the power to go viral, increase engagement, captivate audiences, and best of all, get your sales to shoot through the roof when you use them to show off your merch!

Sometimes it’s a good idea to get a visual for how much of a big deal something is. Take a look below at how effective short-form videos really are in your world. 

First, short-form videos deliver the highest ROI.

Which Video Format Has the Biggest ROI? - HubSpot
Source: HubSpot

Second, short-form videos get the most engagement.

Which Video Format Gets the Most Engagement? - HubSpot
Source: HubSpot

So if you’re ready to learn 7 creative ways to use short-form videos to boost your merch sales, we’re ready to help!  

1. Product Demos

People wish they could physically touch a product when they shop online, but obviously they can’t. So help them live that experience through you (or someone you ask or hire to demonstrate handling, using, or wearing your product). Showcasing a sample of your product is a “virtual shopping” experience that helps the potential buyer see what your product looks like in the real world.

Make sure you highlight the key benefits and features of your product. Brevity is the soul of wit, so keep the dialogue lean and to the point. Online, attention spans last even shorter than IRL. 

Also, actions matter, not words. No one wants to hear about your product. They want to see it in action. When you show it, your product is literally doing the talking (in action) for you. 

Lastly, don’t be boring. Whether it be catchy music, humor or creative editing, show off your personality and keep it fun. The two key words to focus on here are: informative & entertaining! The more engagement you keep up with your fans, the more sales and long-term customers you acquire.  

2. Behind-the-Scenes

There are many reasons why BTS videos are a good idea, but here are two really strong ones: 

  1. It forms an emotional bond between you and your audience. They see you in every day action, which shows that you’re human just like them. They see that you have to deal with the same every day trials and tribulations that they do. Who doesn’t want to support someone that they can relate to? 
  2. It builds trust and authenticity. Your audience sees the actual processes and people involved in creating your amazing designs. This also gives them a story to pass along when people ask, “hey, where did you get that?”  

3. User-Generated Content

Have you ever heard someone say, “No one likes a braggart. But if other people brag about you, it gets attention.” User-generated content (UGC) is the online version of other people bragging about you. 

Encourage your customers to create and share their own short-form videos featuring your products (if they’re happy with it, of course). If need be, offer incentives to do so. This not only generates authentic content but it fosters a sense of community around your brand—Something you will already be building if you have followed steps 1 and 2! 

People also like to be given the greenlight to make their own creative calls. Let them decide what kind of video to make (unless they request you to come up with the idea). It makes them feel like part of the team, knowing they can showcase your merch in a fun and unique way. 

User-generated content (UGC) promotes trust and absolutely influences buying decisions.  

4. Brand Awareness on Social Media

Ask yourself where short videos are mostly seen. Tiktok? Facebook? YouTube? Instagram? The answer is all of the above (and more) but these platforms have the most massive user bases. The best thing about these platforms, though, is that they offer a lot of ways to promote videos, such as algorithmic recommendations, discovery pages, hashtags, and more. They are also easily shareable not just on the platform but in messaging apps. When viewers like a video or think it’s interesting, it’s so simple to share it (it’s probably harder to NOT share it lol), increasing exposure of your brand and its reach (maybe to the point of going viral). If it does, in fact, go viral, you’re looking at widespread brand awareness immediately. 

When it comes to increasing brand awareness, not all short-form videos on social media are created equal, however. Here are a couple quick suggestions:

  1. Customer testimonials. Share positive reviews and feedback from real customers who’ve experienced your product firsthand. This includes their thoughts, emotions, and experiences about how the product has either improved or impacted their lives for the better. This is similar to UGC, but sometimes you can’t get them to make a video of their own, so you need to incorporate fragments into your content.  
  2. How-to or challenge videos. How-tos can teach an important skill and they’re always popular. Same with challenge videos, where you ask your fans to compete or complete a task. Again, these build trust and credibility. Don’t forget to make the videos humorous and fun! In fact, humor is the number one common trait between most successful videos. 
  3. Unboxing or reviewing videos. These typically include showcasing the unpacking of your product for the very first time. In recent years, these videos have gained massive popularity, and they’re an amazing way to engage your audience. Note: Don’t do a fake “unboxing” video. It must be authentic because no one is really that good of an actor, not even actors. Authenticity is so important because it’s essential to be genuine and allow the excitement to shine through as the product is discovered and explored. And once again, what does this build? We’ll say it over and over and over again because it’s the key to everything involved in being successful: Connection on a personal level, trust, and credibility

5. Team-up with Influencers

The hot-button word of the moment is “collab.” Collaborating with influencers can significantly widen the reach of your brand. A lot of influencers have engaged followers across multiple channels. If one of them endorses your products, you just hit a whole new audience. 

One of the greatest ways to partner with influencers is in the short-form video format. Either influencers can create short videos, showing their audience your products, you can make the video with the influencer for your audience, or ideally, both!  Any of the types of videos we covered in point #4 will work. The more the merrier!

6. Q & A with Customers 

You would think we’ve harped on connection, trust, and credibility enough, right? Well….one of the best ways of building those three key elements is to hold a Q & A. Sometimes your fans have questions. Sometimes it’s tough to get to each individual. If this is the case, hop on a Q & A video and answer those questions. Be funny or at least light-hearted and sweet about it. Bots don’t take care of everything. Plus, people (your fans) want that personal connection. And who wants to pay a live agent out of their revenue? I’m sure you don’t. Make it known you will be holding a Q & A every month or so. It’s fine to have a FAQ section on your site, but you will be answering these questions with more nuance and a personal touch. 

Also, think beyond just providing “answers.” You can provide step-by-step explanations, product demonstrations, and examples. Studies have shown that this clarity reduces frustration and confusion on the viewers part, leading to higher customer satisfaction. 

7. Contest Teasers

Who doesn’t love a contest? They’re a no-brainer if you want to reach a larger audience. Contests also create buzz around upcoming product launches, and short-form videos are one of the best ways to execute buzz. Here are some tips on how to go about using short-form videos to hype up a contest:

  1. Playfully hint at contest details. 
  2. Feature catchy jingles, quirky characters, or a mini storyline that leaves your fans craving more. 
  3. Keep the videos short and snappy. Give fans a taste of what’s in store but don’t give away all the juicy details. 
  4. Keep it fun and think outside the box. The more memorable it is, the more it gets shared with their friends. The more they share, the more your visibility and reach increases. 
  5. Highlight the prizes that can be won. Showcase them in an engaging and creative way, and make sure they’re aligned with your target audience’s interests and your brand. 
  6. Make the prizes really enticing. The more enticing, the more eager people will be to share your videos and enter the contest.  

In Closing

These 7 surefire strategies will help you use short-form videos to boost your popularity and your sales. Since videos are really what the entire planet is responding to right now, the possibilities are endless. So start filming and happy selling! 

Creator success Design tips

How To Turn Viral Moments Into Hot-Selling Merch

Going viral is one of the best things that can happen to content creators. Not only does it boost your followers and make you internet-famous, but it can also fill your wallet—especially if you know how to turn that moment into awesome merch.

So, if you have content that blew up or got tons of likes and shares, don’t let it slip away! Take that moment, turn it into a killer design, and slap it on merch to sell to your fans.

When done right, viral moments translated into designs can deeply resonate with your audience and ignite excitement for them to purchase. Plus, it’s a cool way for them to show off their fandom to their buddies who love your stuff too.

Ready to turn your viral moment into a merch empire? Check out our tips below and let’s make some merch magic happen! 

1. Strike While It’s Hot:

Timing is key when it comes to cashing in on a viral moment. Don’t hesitate—start brainstorming merch ideas as soon as your video starts blowing up.

If you’re feeling stuck on what to create, consider these things:

  • Was there a line in your content that had everyone laughing or quoting it in the comments? This could be a good line to throw on some merch.
  • Could any freeze frame from your video be turned into a funny meme?
  • What are people chatting about in the comments? Is there a theme that keeps popping up?

By asking these questions, you’ll get a good idea of what kind of merch would really hit home with your fans.

For instance, let’s say your viral moment captured you busting a move with your grandpa, and everyone in the comments couldn’t get enough of his smooth moves. You could turn that into a meme with him rocking digital sunglasses and the caption “I leave no crumbs.” Then, slap that meme on coffee mugs, shirts, notebooks—whatever you think your audience would love.

But remember, don’t spend ages agonizing over the perfect design. The quicker you act, the more impact your merch will have.

2. Keep It On-Brand:

When creating your merch design, it’s important to keep it on-brand and give it the familiar vibes that people already associate with you and your content. So whether it’s a hilarious catchphrase, a jaw-dropping discovery, or a signature move that got everyone hyped, your design should still resonate with your brand. 

Why? Here are a few reasons staying on brand is so important:

Brand Recognition 

Keeping your merch consistent with your brand helps your fans instantly know it’s yours. When they see your merch, they should be like, “Oh yeah, that’s [Your Name]’s stuff!” It makes them more likely to buy it and rep it proudly and allows them to easily bond with other fans of yours when they’re out and about.

Emotional Connection

You’ve built up a real bond with your audience over time, right? Your brand represents all the things they love about you—your humor, your positivity, your unique perspective. So when your merch reflects that, it strengthens the connection even more. 

Making It All Fit

Your merch should feel like it’s part of the bigger picture of you and your content. Whether your fans are watching your videos, scrolling through your socials, or rocking your merch, everything should feel like it’s from the same awesome universe. When it’s all consistent, it creates this super cool experience for your fans that they can’t get enough of.

With that in mind, here are some tips to help you stay on brand as you transform your viral moment into a design your fans will instantly recognize as yours:

  • Think about what makes your brand unique and incorporate those vibes into your merch designs. Whether you’re all about humor, positivity, or breaking boundaries, try to add some of that into your viral moment merch design.
  • Keep your design in line with your overall aesthetic. Whether you’re into bold and colorful or chill and minimalist, translate your viral moment into your style.
  • Don’t forget to use your existing brand elements, like logos and colors, if it makes sense, to tie everything together and make your merch instantly recognizable.

3. Get Creative with Products:

Choosing the right products for your merch is key to turning your viral moment into a cash cow! 

Here’s how to pick products that will have your fans lining up to buy:

Know Your Audience

Consider what your fans are into and choose products that match their style. Whether they’re gamers, fitness freaks, or everyday parents, pick merch items that they’ll actually want to buy and use. If you’re not sure which to choose, browse our Core Collections for ideas.

Think Outside the Box

Don’t stick to the basics—get creative with your merch ideas! From socks to pet tees, explore unique products that stand out and make a statement. 

Stay Practical

While being creative is important, make sure your merch is also practical and useful. Choose items that people can use in their daily lives, like water bottles or tote bags, to ensure maximum exposure for your brand. Also, coffee mugs are one of the best sellers and easy gift ideas, so consider adding your viral moment to one!

Test and Learn

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different products and see what resonates with your audience. Gather feedback and use it to refine your merch lineup over time, ensuring that you’re always offering what your fans want.

4. Get Your Fans Involved:

Your fans are the heart and soul of your content, so why not make them an integral part of your merch-making journey? Start by sharing sneak peeks of your designs on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Let them see the creative process unfold in real-time and give them a glimpse behind the scenes.

But don’t stop there—ask for their input and feedback! Run polls or contests to let them vote on their favorite designs, colors, or slogans. Not only does this make your fans feel valued and appreciated, but it also gives them a sense of ownership over the final product. And when your fans feel like they’ve had a hand in creating your merch, they’ll be even more excited to rock it and show it off to the world.

5. Shout It from the Rooftops

Last but not least, once your merch is live, go all out spreading the news! 

Here are some of the best ways to do that: 

Blast it on Social Media

Your social media platforms are your megaphone, so use them to their full potential! Post about your merch on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and any other platforms where your fans hang out. Remind everyone of your viral moment and why you created this merch.

Order Samples

Samples can increase your sales by 300%, so don’t be afraid to order yours! Once you have your samples in hand, you can use them in your content and advertise them without even saying a word about it! Fans that see you wearing or using products that remind them of your viral moment will be intrigued and want to get their hands on them. After all, you’re internet famous, so who doesn’t want to copy you?

Host Giveaways or Contests

Everyone loves free stuff, so why not host a giveaway or contest to drum up excitement for your merch launch? Offer prizes like exclusive merch bundles, signed merch items, or even a virtual hangout with you. Encourage your fans to participate by sharing your merch launch posts, tagging their friends, or creating user-generated content related to your merch. Giveaways and contests are a fun and interactive way to engage your fans and generate buzz around your merch launch.

Create FOMO

Use scarcity and limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency and encourage your fans to act fast. After all, your viral moment will probably only have a short time under the sun, so creating FOMO around your merch is a good plan no matter what.  

Engage with Your Fans

Don’t forget to keep the party going with your fans during your merch launch! Reply to their comments and messages, give them a big thanks for all the love, and make sure they feel like they’re in on the action. Encourage them to show off their new merch on social media, especially because so many people will have seen your viral moment. Building that sense of community and connection with your fans will make your merch launch even more successful!

What’s next?

In the end, turning your viral moments into hot-selling merch is not just about capitalizing on a trend—it’s about building an epic connection with your fans. By getting creative, sticking to your vibe, and making your fans feel like they’re part of the squad, you can take a moment and turn it into a merch sensation.

Remember, timing is key, so don’t sleep on brainstorming those merch ideas while the hype’s still fresh. Keep it real, keep it you, and keep your fans in the loop every step of the way.

Stay tuned for more content that will help add more zeros to your bank account and become the content creator everyone knows about.

Creator success

Spread the love: Our shoutout to creators all month long!

It’s that time of year when love is in the air, and what better way to celebrate the month of February than by shouting out some of our absolute rockstar creators!

From killer designs to epic success stories, these creators taken their passions and turned them into dollar signs using Spring. Plus, they’ve been able to build tighter bonds with their communities through some seriously cool branded merch that fans can bring straight into their home.

Check them out below! 

Week 3: Give It Up For Epic Careers!

Max Randolph

IG  | YT  |  FB  |  TT  |  Website  |  Shop

Meet Max Randolph, a visionary blacksmith who creates stunning metal sculptures and dynamic architectural pieces. For the past 20 years, Max has been unlocking the hidden possibilities of steel, blending artistry with craftsmanship. Fueled by his passion for creativity, he constantly pushes the boundaries of metalwork to bring his visions to life.

When Max embarks on a new project, his creations first come to life through captivating illustrations, capturing the essence of the craft that will later take shape in the forge. These handcrafted prints are unique originals, reflecting the dynamic energy and fluidity characteristic of Max’s metallurgical mastery.

Max has now added these captivating illustrations into an incredible lineup of products, which you can explore right here.

Tokyo Lens 

IG  | YT  |  TW  |  FB  |  TT  |  Website  |  Shop

Next up is Norm Nakamura, the creative force behind Tokyo Lens, a Japan-based YouTuber whose adventures have hooked nearly 1 million subscribers. Norm’s journey kicked off as an apprentice of the Yoshida Brothers, where he started documenting his daily life. But over time, his channel has become a vibrant hub showcasing Japan’s diverse culture and lifestyle.

From uncovering hidden villages to shining a spotlight on Japanese craftsmen, Norm’s videos offer a fresh take on life in Japan. With a passion for tiny apartments and unique experiences, Norm’s videos are always buzzing with energy. 

Norm has also expanded his brand with merchandise, including a custom plushie inspired by his beloved shamisen. This limited edition plushie celebrates Norm’s gratitude to the shamisen world that has shaped his journey in Japan. Check out all his merch here.

Shantel Tessier 

IG  |  TW  |  FB  |  TT  |  Website  |  Shop

Shantel Tessier is a bestselling romance and suspense author whose stories have captured readers worldwide. Shantel’s talent for crafting gripping plots and unforgettable characters has landed her on the USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestseller lists.

Outside of her writing career, Shantel is happily married to her high school sweetheart, who is a wonderfully supportive husband. When she’s not lost in the world of storytelling, Shantel loves to spend time cuddled up on the couch with a good book. She considers herself extremely lucky to pursue her passion while wearing pajamas.

Thanks to Spring, Shantel has been able to take her novels to the next level by putting moments and quotes on merch. Now, fans can bring their favorite stories to life in their own homes, adding a touch of magic to their everyday lives. It’s not just about the books—it’s about creating a community where fans can truly immerse themselves in Shantel’s world. See her collection here.

Week 2: Celebrating Love-Inspired Designs!

Going into the second week of February, we can’t get more love-filled than with the celebration of Valentine’s Day. Take a look at some creators who launched some rockstar mech for the holiday and read about a creator with a story that will pull on your heart.

A Smiley Brand

You probably already know of our first highlight this week, A Smiley Brand, or better known as YouTube baddy Bobby Mares. Starting out as a musician combining music with technology to create a brand-new sound, he quickly graduated to making entertaining YouTube videos. 

Whether it’s his tags, challenges, or collaboration videos with popular stars like Kian Lawley, JC Caylen, and Franny Arrieta, this vlogger with a huge heart (don’t tell anyone he now has a gf) will capture yours. With over 700,000 subscribers and rapidly growing, his videos range from melting hearts to spooking the crap out of his audience with creepy moments in haunted locations. 

Being a vlogger isn’t enough for this guy, though, so he also rocks a clothing line called A Smiley Brand with merch that sports his famous logo. It’s perfect for V-Day and beyond.

Jimmy & Clarence

If you’re one of the few who haven’t broken your ribs laughing at the Jimmy and Clarence videos on TikTok, you’re in for a delight. Clarence is America’s funny AF labrador (also known as King Clarence) who speaks via Siri. The videos are from the dog’s POV and the writing is as smart as it is hilarious. Everyone’s favorite dead-pan dog quips about his “hooman” baby brother, his owner Jimmy and his Kim Jong Mom, his adventures at the vet (spoiler alert* he comes back without his manhood), and his faithful girlfriend (a stuffed dog). Check out his IG here

Official Jimmy and Clarence Merch is available at the JimmyandClarence store, your one-stop-shop for unique t-shirts, accessories, and more. All designs are inspired by the funniest, smoothest cat (erm Black Labrador) on the internet. And he just rolled out some King Clarence merch for Valentine’s Day. So load up on some puppy love.

Alex Kidd

Ready for a story that’ll tug at your heart strings? Enter our next creator Alex Kidd.

Alex started writing about beer and quickly took off. In May 2022 the father of two, attorney, stand up comedian, and beer enthusiast was diagnosed with several types of cancer and has been sharing his journey to recovery openly with his community. In an effort to help raise money for his ongoing treatment, childcare, and various other expenses, he relaunched his popular 2017 Barleywine Otter design and it has done amazingly well since his launch.

Alex explains the meaning behind the design:

“The otter is a nod to a special type of English malt ‘Maris Otter’ which is used to make Barleywine the best beer style in existence. Maris is the mascot for the massive barleywine following of Barleywine Is Life, a group I created in 2017 to celebrate this overlooked style. It now has thousands of members and annual competitions and lore.”

To go more in depth on Alex Kidd, his fascinating take on all things related to beer, and life in general, can be read here. For Valentine’s Day, spread the love and help Alex spread joy through beer. This V-Day, you can spread the love by grabbing some of Alex’s beer-inspired designs here

Week 1: Let’s Give It Up for Our Black Creators!

To kick things off, we’re shining a spotlight on our amazing black creators for Black History Month. These guys and gals aren’t just making waves – they’re making tidal waves in their communities! So, let’s dive in and get to know ’em a little better!

Tahir Moore

IG  |  TW  |  TT  |  FB  | YT

First up, we’ve got the one and only Tahir Moore. This dude is a straight-up comedy genius! From stand-up to acting to hosting, he does it all – and he does it like a boss. And guess what? He’s been tearing it up on tour with some seriously big names, including D.L. Hughley, Lavell Crawford, Affion Crockett, and more. 

But here’s the real kicker – Tahir’s more than a comedy maestro, he’s also a savvy business man. He’s taken some of his viral moments online and turn them into merch designs that his fans can’t wait to buy. 

Check out his Spring store here for some seriously rad merch that will hit even harder if you’ve seen his comedy shows or take a peek at some of our favs below.

Shop here

Shop here

Shop here

Ashley Maurice 

IG  |  TW  |  FB  | YT

Next on our list is the one and only Ashley Maurice – a true chess master and all-around legend! At just thirty-three years old, Maurice made history by becoming the very first African American to snag the title of International Grand Master of Chess. Talk about breaking barriers!

Since that groundbreaking moment, Maurice has been spreading his love for chess far and wide. He’s not just a grandmaster – he’s also a three-time national championship coach, a published author, an ESPN commentator, and an absolute motivational powerhouse.

And guess what? Maurice isn’t content with just dominating the chessboard. Nope, he’s taken his passion and poured it into some seriously cool merch that’s as unique as he is. Check out his merch lineup below or hit up his store here for even more chess-tastic products.

Shop here
Shop here
Shop here

Real Men Teach

IG  |  PIN  |  FB  |  TT  |  LI 

Real Men Teach isn’t just some ordinary brand – it’s a full-blown movement! Their goal? To spread nothing but good vibes and positivity about of men of color working in the education system.

Founded by Curtis Valentine, Real Men Teach is all about making a real difference. They’re not just talking the talk – they’re walking the walk by hooking up male educators of color with scholarship funds and teaming up with schools, non-profits, and universities to shake up the way we see men of color in education.

But guess what? They’re not stopping there! Real Men Teach has gone all out by dropping their very own Spring store. And get this – every dime you drop on their gear goes straight to funding scholarships for male educators of color. Talk about putting your money where your heart is!

Their merch designs are inspired by historically Black institutions such as HBCUs and Greek-letter fraternities, serving as a powerful tribute to these legendary traditions.

Ready to show some love and rock some seriously meaningful threads? Dive into their entire store right here or peep some of their standout pieces below.

Shop here
Shop here
Shop here

Shante Fagans

IG  |  PIN  

And last but totally not least, let’s give it up for the super talented Shante Fagans! Hailing from Detroit,​​ Shante is a total creative powerhouse. She’s got skills for days – dancing, snapping killer photos, changing lives as a natural hairstylist, and painting like nobody’s business.

In her artwork, Shante paints vivids portraits, typically showcasing individuals from the chest up against colorful backdrops. With bold colors, patterns, and funky accessories, each piece is a celebration of vibrancy and style. And there’s a signature touch too – her subjects often rock a killer red lip, just like Shante herself..

But here’s the really cool part – Shante’s taken her art game to the next level by turning it into a rad collection of products in her Spring store that are guaranteed to bring some serious flair to any space. 

Check out her store here or browse below. 

Shop here
Shop here
Shop here

Stay tuned for next week as we highlight even more incredible creators!

Creator success

How to relaunch your listings

We’ve made some awesome improvements to our platform to make it easier than ever to design, launch, and promote your merch. But as we move to a more dynamnic system, some listings will need to be relaunched in order to stay active.

Read through the blog below for step-by-step instructions to learn how to identify which listings need to be relaunched, save your designs, relaunch your listings, and update all your URLs and Pixels.

What listings need to be relaunched?

To view your listings and check if any need to be relaunched, sign into your Spring account and click “Listings” on the on the lefthand menu. 

Next, click the “Show Active” filter and change it to “Old Teespring Designer.”

If you see an icon of a red triangle with an exclamation point beside any of your listings, you’ll need to relaunch them (see image below). 

Relaunching will only take a few minutes. Follow the steps below to ensure your creations remain active. Don’t forget the last step, as skipping it might render your original URLs inactive. 

How to save your designs

If you don’t have your artwork, you can quickly save it by clicking the download icon next to your listing.

You may need to allow pop-ups if you’re downloading several images. 

These images can then be used to relaunch your listings.

NOTE: If you don’t see the download icon, this means the design was created with images or text from the old Teespring designer and there’s no file to download. You’ll need to remake that listing from scratch in our current design launcher.

How to relaunch a listing

Relaunching a listing is easy. Follow these steps to quickly get your new listing live:

  1. Click “Create” on the left menu.
  2. Pick a product.
  3. Upload your artwork or add text.
  4. Choose colors, set your price, and currency.
  5. Click “advanced” for display options in your store.
  6. Hit “Continue.”
  7. Add more products if you want the same design on them.
  8. Hit “Continue” again.
  9. Enter a product description and title.
  10. Click “Launch,” and you’re live!

Update your URL and Pixels

This is one of the most important steps because any listing that becomes inactive will have links that no longer work. Instead of updating all of your links in your link in bio, website, social profiles, and anywhere else you share your merch, just follow the steps below to update your new listing with your original link. 

How to change your url

  1. Click “Edit Details” on your original listing.
  2. Copy your URL.
  3. Add “-old” to your original URL and click “Save.”
  4. Go to “Edit Details” on your new listing, paste your original URL, and click “Save.”

How to update pixels

  1. Click “Settings” on your original listing.
  2. Remove pixels, as needed.
  3. Click “Settings” on your new listing.
  4. Add pixels, as needed.

Once this step is complete, you can delete your old listings by clicking Settings, End the listing.

Take a look at our step-by-step visual overview: