
Digital products–for all industries, creators, and communities

With our Digital Launcher accessible for all creators, now everyone can hop on the digital hype. It doesn’t matter what your industry is–upload your content and start sharing it with your community. Learn more.

With our Digital Launcher accessible for all creators, everyone can hop on the digital hype. 

The ability to offer downloadable files give give creators the chance to revolutionize your fans e-commerce experience. On top of the countless benefits of digital products—the biggest plus is how adaptable digital products are for all types of communities.

It doesn’t matter what your industry is, the social media platforms you use, or who your followers are. Digital products and their limitless options open up the opportunity for any type of creator to upload awesome content and start winning. Find a few of many digital products launched already by a range of different creators.

Beauty, fashion and lifestyle 

Many influencers are already experts when it comes to self promotion and product marketing around beauty and fashion. The influencer creator often holds a close relationship with fans by sharing more personal lifestyle content. Followers often become a strong support network when it comes to merch. Digital products are perfectly suited to this industry, allowing creators to offer valuable downloadable content as an extension of their social media feed. 

Firstly, photo filters are a great obvious choice. Check out Bailey Dedrick’s. Fashion photographer Bonnie Rzm creates swimwear pose guides and digital content planners. Sadie Aldis has launched a set of iOs widgets inspired by her favourite color palette to apply to fan’s iphones, and Geek out of water dropped a PDF face chart for followers to plan their makeup looks.

Examples of digital products for influencers
  • Photo filters/Lightroom presets
  • Digital Planners (weekly planners, to do lists, outfit planners, and more)
  • E-books
  • Guides (photo poses, make up, style, social media, routines)

Illustration and animation 

Digital products are an amazing way for creatives and designers (at all skill levels) to share their talents and knowledge with fans. Uploading digital content is also a brilliant way to allow communities to enjoy artwork work with a simple download. For example, upload a printable poster to the Digital Launcher, or transform your creations into digital wallpapers suitable for all devices like The Flat Type. Apply your illustrations and animations to a digital calendar like Simon’s Cat or create coloring sheets like Tofu Chan by removing the color from your drawings. MasakoX offers super cool downloadable e-comics. Get inspired by checking out our blog on digital products for all creatives.

Examples of digital products for creatives
  • E-book tutorials and guides
  • E-comics
  • Coloring pages & books
  • Wallpapers
  • Virtual backgrounds
  • Printable posters

Health & fitness

A variety of creators promote healthy lifestyles and share their fitness journeys with followers through sharing engaging, inspiring content. Uploading digital products to sell is an ideal way to help motivate fans to better themselves as well. A Healthy Alternative created an e-book designed to guide followers on a holistic wellness journey. Other creators have provided e-books like this Fitness For Creators workout guide for beginners, and Mrs Space Cadet created a digital planner for her community to plan their fitness schedules. Hench Herbivore shares secrets with the intention of providing a complete guide to a vegan diet where protein is concerned using a downloadable e-book.

Digital products for health and fitness creators
  • Meal planners
  • Recipes 
  • Workout planners 
  • Workout guides
  • E-books

Crafty digital DIY’s

DIY style content educating fans is certainly popular in 2020. Fans are staying indoors finding new ways to get creative and learn new skills. Uploading digital content is a great way to take advantage of this trend. Transfer your quirky hacks and unique processes and skills into e-books–The Outsider shares a pop up cabin “how-to”, Bhooked crafts several guides for knitting and crochet projects. Shifty Thrifting sells decorative cross stitch patterns for fans to display and followers can color in Leopard Gecko Talk’s illustration coloring books ready for a splash of digital color.

Examples of DIY digital products
  • DIY guides
  • E-book DIY guides and “how to’s”
  • Patterns (cross stitch, sewing, knitting)
  • Coloring pages

Entertaining followers

Following on from DIY genius’s above–you can turn just about any kind of content into a downloadable asset to keep your followers occupied. All you need is to know their interests and tailor it to the kind of material they love to see and hear about on your social media. Consider using audio files to create ringtones to use on devices as well as music tracks to download and listen to if you’re in the music industry, like Bootsy Collins. Other examples include Bin of Trash teaching fans how to draw like them with their How to Chibi e-book and Lulaboo Cooking Show has brought out a Mexican style recipe e-book. Pungence released the e-book story of Mystery of the Magic Toilet and followers can apply Cartoon Connect’s virtual background to their video calls.

Digital products for fan’s entertainment
  • E-books
  • E-comics
  • Sound effects
  • Coloring pages & book
  • Printable posters

Anyone can sell digital products with monumental success. Now’s the time–be first in your industry to offer them to your community. Get acquainted with the Digital Launcher and start uploading your content below, ready to share with your community (like Bonnie Rzm 😉)