Creators Insights

How to sell smarter this summer: run a sale using top tips + free templates

Find out how to run a summer sale and start the season on a high 💰 Follow our steps below and use free, editable social media templates to announce your discount.

Running a sale is easier than you think. The key: create top tier promotional content to announce your summer sale on socials and ensure fans can find your products easily. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be set for the summer, starting with Memorial day weekend.

  1. Plan a sales game plan
  2. Create promo codes
  3. Prepare promo content (FREE templates)

Step 1) figure out your game plan

Determine your content schedule and fit in your run summer sale announcements on social media. There’s tons of ways you can engage fans and keep them shopping your products with promo codes.

Open for sale inspo:

  • Align your sale with an event: Announce a sale to celebrate a special calendar event or a milestone you can share with your community. E.g. You just hit 100K followers, summer just started, Memorial day weekend.
  • New products: Use a promo code to celebrate a new product release (Slides are a great place to start this summer). 
  • End of season sale: Offering discounts on ‘older’ spring designs before your summer product launch is a good way to encourage purchases on existing items while generating hype for what is to come.
  • First come first serve: Encourage purchases early-on by offering a limited number of discounted orders. For example, you say: “the first 50 people to buy my new design will get 10% off with the code FIRST50”. Turn the promo code’s active status to ‘off’ in your dashboard when you hit 50 orders.

Step 2) create promo codes

Head to your dashboard and turn their active status to ‘off’ until it’s time to run your sale. You can create three different types of promotions; free shipping (US delivery only), a discount amount (like $3), or a discount percent (like 10% off). Learn how in the video below. 

Step 3) Prepare promo content (free templates)

Now, create the social media content you’ll use to promote your sale. Promotional images and videos of you wearing your products work best.

Spring’s design team mocked some up for you to edit and share on your socials for memorial day weekend. Tap a template below to open them in Canva and start editing.

Here’s what you need to include in your promo images and/or captions: 

  • Image of your product 
  • Your promo code 
  • The date your sale starts and ends 
  • The discount type – e.g. “Get 20% off”

Ready to get going? Tag @springforcreators in your promotional imagery for the chance to be featured on our Instagram to inspire our community of creators.


Exclusively sell official Champion merch: how it works

You’ve got first access to offer embroidered, official branded products; starting with Champion. So far, Spring creators who have created official Champion merch have made almost $690,000 in sales. Now it’s your turn.

Dropping limited edition products engages fans, big time. Plus, selling popular branded merch featuring your design is a testament to your success. Rely on Spring’s Custom Products team to handle everything from prototype design, sampling, logistics, listing creation, fulfillment, customer support, and more.

To start creating Champion branded products, read through the process, rules and guidelines, and top FAQs before filling out the submission form with your specifications below.

Note: You can only drop one product at a time. Please make separate submissions if you would like to launch more than one Champion product featuring different designs or colors. Fulfillment will take place in the US, but global shipping is available.

Champion product catalog

Look through the Champion products catalog below by clicking on the image. Choose the product you would like to offer and start thinking about the embroidered design element you’d like to add.

Click on the image above to see Champion products available.

Design rules

Please review the design rules carefully below before you submit your application. If you submit a design that does not follow the rules below, we’ll have to reject your submission. 

  • Your design cannot feature the Champion logo or wordmark 
  • If you would not like to use our design services and have your own design, you must submit designs in PNG format with a DPI of 150 or higher 
  • Your design must not contain any offensive imagery or text including references to politics, alcohol, tobacco, nudity, swear words, etc.
  • Designs must comply with Spring’s Intellectual Property and Acceptable Use policies.

How it works

1) Apply for branded products 

To get started, fill your details via the form linked at the top of the blog. We’ll review your application and ensure your profile matches with Champion’s requirements. 

Once you’re approved, we’ll send a link for you to pay a deposit of $200. After this is paid, we can begin the process.

What does the $200 deposit cover?

This non-refundable deposit covers the cost of designing your original concept, creating your sample, and mailing it to you. The design stage includes 3 revisions to get your final embroidered prototype perfect.

2) Bring your ideas to life with Spring’s design team

After you’ve paid your deposit, you’ll be sent a form to let us know what you’re imagining for your embroidery design. Before completing the form, ensure you’ve read through and understand the guidelines below: 

Understand your design guidelines:

  • Your design needs to be 4×4 inches max
  • Embroidery artwork can have up to 5 individual block colors. 
  • Avoid using gradients 
  • For tees, hoodies, outerwear: your design must be placed on the upper chest area only (left, right or middle).
  • For joggers, shorts, and sweatpants: your design can only be located on the left or right leg, upper thigh area.

Once you’ve submitted the form, our professional design team will create an embroidery design for your drop. This usually takes up to two weeks (dependent on revisions needed. 3 are included with your deposit, any further are $50 each).

3) Receive your first sample

Once you’ve approved the design prototype, we’ll embroider it onto your chosen Champion product. We’ll then photograph it and send it to you for your approval. The sampling process usually takes around a week. 

After you’ve approved, we’ll ship it to you and notify you once it’s on its way—delivery can take up to a week or anywhere from 1- 4 weeks for international shipping (outside of US).

4) Photograph your sample, prepare to go live

When your sample arrives, it’s a good idea to photograph yourself wearing it. Send finished imagery to for us to include them in your listing (this gets more sales).

In the meantime, we’ll check there’s enough inventory available to go live and get your listing ready. When you’re ready to go, head to the “Listings” tab in your Spring dashboard and change your campaign’s visibility settings to “public”. Edit the product price if you wish.

From the day you set your listing to public, the pre-sale campaign will be live for your fans to purchase for two weeks.

5) Meet your MOQ with these promo tips

As soon as you set your listing to “public”, you have 14 days to sell 50 units to meet the MOQ (minimum order quantity). Ensure you have promo content ready to post on social media

Open for promo tips

  • Start creating hype on socials before you set your listing to public. Teasing your product the week before your presale begins will drum up excitement.
  • Take pictures with your product, feature your item in video content, show it off live
  • Make sure the link to your listing is discoverable—we suggest using Linktree
  • Create FOMO. Let your fans know they only have 14 days to purchase your limited edition design before it’s too late

6) Merch gets shipped, you get paid

Once your 2 week pre-sale campaign is over and you’ve successfully reached 50 sales, we’ll remove your listing and end the campaign (If the MOQ is not met for any item, that campaign item will be canceled, and orders will be refunded). Here’s whats next:

  • Typically, production and fulfillment takes up to 2 weeks. Shipping timelines will depend on the shipping method your fans choose at checkout and where they are in the world. 
  • Collect your profits from the Payouts section of your account once your branded products have been shipped. We’ll notify you once they’re ready to be cashed out.

Promotional rules for branded products

We know you’ll be excited to share these products with fans and followers and we encourage you to promote these products through all promotional channels.

However, because you are accessing products through Spring’s Brand Partnership Program, and not directly through the brand, there are strict stipulations to acceptable promotional language and graphics that can be used. Any Spring creator who uses this language will have their listing suspended and lose access to Branded products as well as Spring’s Brand Partnership Program in general.

Language guidelines

The use of language such as ‘official collab’ or ‘collaboration’ in reference to Champion or tagging any official Champion social media accounts is a direct violation of brand partnership promotional requirements. When mentioning your products in videos or posting on social media please keep the following do’s and don’ts in mind:

Don’t use phrases like:

  • I’m collaborating with Champion
  • These products are an official collab with Champion
  • Don’t tag @Champion in any promotional posts

Do use phrases like:

  • I’ve unlocked official Champion products
  • I’ve created official Champion merch
  • I’m selling official Champion merch
  • I’ve designed on official Champion products
  • I’ve gotten access to official Champion products through Spring
  • Do tag @springforcreators in any promotional posts if you want to

Branded product FAQs

What is a MOQ (minimum order quantity)

A Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) is the minimum number of units that need to be sold in order for us to go into production for that product. In this instance, you will need to sell at least 50 units per product style to go into production and generate earnings. 

What if I don’t reach the MOQ?

If after your 14-day campaign you are not able to reach the MOQ of 50 units, all orders will be canceled and your fans will receive a full refund.

What does the deposit cover? 

The non-refundable down payment deposit gives you access to work with a professional design team member to create an original design. The nonrefundable fee also covers a sample of the garment you intend to release with your artwork embroidered as well as shipping the sample to your home address.

Is the down payment deposit refundable?

The down payment deposit is a non-refundable fee that allows you access to use branded products. This deposit will not be refunded, even if the MOQ isn’t reached after your pre-sale campaign has ended. 

What is the Project timeline?

Each project will have varying lengths. This is dependent on the time it takes you to pay the non-refundable deposit, your response time to each email, and the number of revisions needed for your design.

Average time for each step of the process:

  • Design: 2 weeks
  • Sampling: 1 week 
  • Shipping your sample: 1 week (US based) / 1-4 weeks (International)
  • Listing creation: 1-3 days
  • Check there is enough inventory available
  • Presale: 2 weeks
  • Production + Fulfillment: 2-3 weeks
  • Shipping to your fans: 1 week (US based) / 1-4 weeks (International)

What if I have to put the project on hold? 

If you decide for any reason to put your project on hold, we will consider the latest version of your design and/or sample as approved and will complete the project at that stage and consider our obligations fulfilled. 

What if my fan’s order doesn’t get delivered?

If your fans have any issues with their order, please have them contact


Sell your very own custom plushie: how it works

Fans love plushies: proven fact. So far, we’ve enabled creators to launch hundreds of thousands of plushies, making over $5,600,000 in sales. It works time and time again, and now it’s your turn.

Spring’s Custom Product Team are exclusively offering you the chance to create and sell your very own plushie. Diversify your revenue stream and rely on us to handle everything from prototype design, sampling, logistics, listing creation, fulfillment, customer support, and more.

To start creating your plushie, read through the process and top FAQs before filling out the submission form with your specifications below.

The plushie creation process

1. Describe the plushie you’re imagining

To get started, fill your details via the form linked above and upload sketches and/or imagery for our design team to reference (please submit as many details as possible). Once you’ve completed the submission form, we’ll send a link for you to pay a deposit of $500.

Please note: This non-refundable deposit covers the cost of designing your original concept, creating your sample, and mailing it to you. Both design and sample stages include 3 revisions to get your finished plushie perfect and ready for fulfillment (once you have met the MOQ, see FAQs at the bottom). 

2. We design your plushie prototype

Next we’ll brief our plushie design team and they’ll bring it to life. It usually takes between 7-10 business days for us to get back to you with the first rendition of your design. You’ll then let us know if you approve or reject with feedback.

@Darrelthedoge’s initial prototype design

A useful way to offer feedback is sketching over the design provided so you can clearly indicate what you want to change. Please think carefully before submitting your feedback and try to submit it in one go. You’ll have a total of 3 design revisions. Anything beyond will cost $50 per revision. 

3. Creating your plushie prototype IRL

Here’s the exciting part. Once you’ve finished with the design team, we’ll send it over to the vendor to begin crafting your plushie prototype. This process takes up to 10-15 business days. Once it’s ready, we’ll do a thorough quality check and send you an image of the sample. Then there will be another opportunity for feedback (the 3 revision rule counts here, too). See the example below of Simon’s cat’s feedback.

Example of Simons Cat’s ‘Baby Cat’ plushie from submission, to physical prototype, to final plushie sample.

4. Meet your plushie for the first time

Once you’ve approved, it’s time for you to give your plushie its first squeeze. We’ll notify you when we’ve shipped it to the address you provided when you first applied. 

5. Choose your profit

Next, let us know what price you would like to sell your plushie for and the profit you’ll earn per sale. Our recommended retail price is between $24.99 and $29.99. To calculate your payout, deduct your plushie cost (we’ll let you know) and fulfillment cost ($4 per unit) from your desired retail price.

6. Photograph your plushie

Time to get your camera out (or a smartphone works)—we’ll customize your listing with the photos you take of your prototype. These are the photos that fans will see on your store and listing page. Here’s our top tips for photographing your plushie:

  • Ensure your lighting is right. We recommend using desk/standing lamps—make sure the plushie doesn’t cast any shadows and is clearly seen. Make sure your smartphone lens/ camera lens is clean and the pictures are clear and focussed.
  • Get all the angles. Photograph it from the front, the back, and one angled view. 
  • Correct formatting. All photos should have a 1:1 aspect ratio (square). Use photoshop, or there’s plenty of tools online you can use. 

See examples of @moriahelizabeth’s Pickle plushie listing imagery below.

Moriah Elizabeth’s Pickle plushie listing imagery

7. Go live and promote your plushie

Next, we’ll get your listing ready for you to announce your plushie to fans. When you’re ready to go live, head to the “Listings” tab in your Spring dashboard and change your plushie visibility settings to “public”. 

Make sure you’re ready to promote before you set your plushie to public. After your first plushie sale, you have 30 days to sell 299 more to meet the MOQ (minimum order quantity). Make sure you are ready to promote before setting the listing “Public”. 

  • Share the listing images you photographed on social media
  • Take pictures with it, feature your plushie in video content, show it off live. See how Simons Cat did it.
  • Make sure the link to your plushie listing is discoverable—we suggest using Linktree.
  • Create FOMO. Let your fans know they only have 30 days to purchase your plushie before it’s too late. 

8. Plushies get shipped, you get paid

Once your campaign is over and you’ve successfully reached 300 sales, we’ll remove your listing and end the campaign. Then it’s time to start production for your plushie. Typically, production takes anywhere between 30-45 business days. Shipping often takes around 45 to 90 business days. You can collect your profits from the Payouts section of your account once your plushies have been shipped. We’ll notify you once they’re ready to be cashed out.

Plushie FAQs

Am I involved in the design of the plushie?

Yes, of course. We will not move each stage of creating your plushie prototype without your approval. You are able to approve or reject at both design and sample stages. You’ll be able to give feedback, too—your deposit covers 3 revisions. Any beyond that will cost $50 per revision, so ensure your feedback is detailed.

What is a minimum order quantity (MOQ)?

A MOQ is the minimum number of units that need to be sold in order for us to start producing your product. For example, you need to sell at least 300 units to start plushie production and generate earnings.

Why do I have to pay a deposit?

The deposit covers the cost of designing your original concept. It also covers the cost of creating and mailing you your product sample. Both design and sample stages include 3 revisions to get your finished product right. 

Is the down payment deposit refundable?

The deposit is a non-refundable fee that covers the cost of designing an original plushie concept and producing your sample. This deposit cannot not be refunded, even if you choose to cancel your plushie project because you have not reached the MOQ.

What happens if I don’t reach the MOQ?

If after your 30-day campaign you have not sold 300 units (MOQ), we’ll reach out to you to discuss next steps. You’ll have 3 options:

  1. Utilize the earnings you have made so far to cover the remaining cost needed for us to reach 300 plushies and start production. 
  2. If your earnings after 30 days are insufficient (not enough to cover the missing sales), you can send us a balance payment for the remaining amount needed for us to start production.
  3. You may decide to cancel the project. In this case, Spring will notify and refund your fans. Please note, it is not possible to refund your deposit if you choose to cancel.

What happens with the remaining plushies I paid for with the balance payment/earnings?

In case you’re not able to reach the MOQ and we are still able to go into production (see options above), all remaining plushies will be shipped directly to you for $1.50 per unit

What if I have to put the project on hold? 

If you decide for any reason to put your plushie project on hold, we will consider the latest version of your design and/or sample as approved, and will complete the project at that stage and consider our obligations fulfilled. 

How long does the process take normally?

From conception (designing your plushie) to completion (receiving your plushies in our facility), this entire process takes between 3 to 5 months. This timeline varies depending on the number of revisions needed, or the delays related to the current state of the worldwide Supply Chain. 


Former Meta VP Annelies Janson joins Spring as new President & COO

We feel immensely proud to welcome Spring’s new President and COO—former Meta VP of Commerce Partnerships, Annelies Jansen. 

With over 25 years of valuable experience in the industry, specifically at Meta (Facebook), Annelies has achieved some incredible things; like launching Instagram Checkout and building a global network of commerce partners across over 20 countries.

Annelies says: “I believe Spring is uniquely placed to be THE commerce platform for creators… Creators are the heart of Spring, and serving their business end to end is unique. My experience in creating, running and building international growth through smart scaling with an ecosystem of partners in a number of businesses, is a right fit for the Spring’s next phase of growth.”

In her new role, Annelies will focus on developing Spring’s partnerships strategy, to drive growth across the core areas of the platform; enhanced tools for creators, distribution and a leading network of global fulfillment partners.  

CEO Chris Lamontagne adds; “We are thrilled to welcome Annelies to Spring and look forward to working collaboratively across all areas of the business’ commerce, partnerships and growth operations. Spring’s goal has always been to put the power in the hands of the creator, and with Annelies working by my side, we can continue to ensure this objective is being met.”

We can’t wait to see how Annelies leads and inspires the Spring team, catapulting us forward on our journey to becoming the #1 creator commerce platform.

Read the full story here.

Insights News

The evolution of Spring’s Boosted Network

The Boosted Network is a service that helps amplify creators’ sales by as much as 15% through enhanced promotional efforts. In 2022, we’re focused on harnessing the power of email marketing to help creators capture even more sales.

We originally launched the Boosted Network in 2017 with a heavy focus on advertising and marketplaces (like Amazon, Ebay, etc). However, in the last year, we removed the marketplace element to focus our efforts on unlocking more sales for creators through new advertising channels and effective email marketing tactics. The results? Creators are seeing their sales amplified by as much as 15% thanks to the Boosted Network.

How does it work?

Why is the Boosted Network so powerful? It requires no additional time, effort or upfront investment from you, and helps you generate extra sales. Spring’s marketing experts handle all retargeting efforts through advertisements and email, and you’ll earn a guaranteed profit amount for every sale made.

The Boosted Network works best when you drive fans to your listings and stores. If they don’t purchase your product, we’ll encourage them to come back to your store with curated retargeting efforts such as paid ads, cart abandonment emails, and more.

Boosted network: how it works

Email is front and center.

First, we’re expanding and optimizing cart abandonment emails. No carts will be left empty. Over the last weeks of testing, these emails saw an average open rate of 65%+ from fans, and creators are raking in an extra 7% in sales. The more you send fans to your listings, the more chances you’ll have to capitalize on cart abandonment sales.

Next, we’re expanding product recommendation emails for fans. We curate product suggestions based on your fans’ interests and past purchases to increase your repeat buyer rate. We’ll recommend your latest product launch, or other products you’ve created we think they’ll like, so it’s important to create fresh new products that can be featured. 

Please note: For now, these new email marketing efforts will feature simple, Spring branded templates. The plan is to incorporate custom creator branding across all buyer marketing emails. We’ll also aim to begin testing buyer marketing SMS in summer 2022.

Optimizing paid promotional efforts

Along with adding email marketing to the mix, we’ve focused specifically on enhancing our paid ad performance. This is an ongoing effort, but recently we have focused on Google and Facebook:

  • Google: Firstly, we’ve added Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) which means all Spring creators opted into the Boosted Network will notice their products will appear in higher google search results. We’ve improved the feed for Google Shopping too, meaning your listings will appear above competing ads.
  • Facebook and Instagram: We’ll be paying close attention to the performance of paid ads on Facebook by optimizing the wording, while tweaking the target audience where necessary. Additional changes include updated tracking in light of new iOS14 updates, and we’ve implemented retargeting ads to make your products appear first before others.

Your guaranteed profit 

Don’t forget, this service requires no upfront costs, and the fee is only applied if a sale is captured due to boosted marketing efforts. You can find the boosted payout structure below for each product category.

To ensure your products are eligible for the Boosted Network, they must have the minimum profit margin listed below. For example, a sticker with a profit of $1 would not be eligible to be sold on the Boosted Network; it needs to have a profit margin of at least $2 to be eligible.

Boosted profit payout structure for each product category

Now, watch the sales roll in

From May 2nd onwards, email marketing sales will be attributed to the Boosted Network within your account analytics—so expect to see a jump in boosted profit. Check out the screenshot below to see how boosted sales will appear. 

How to see Boosted Network profit amounts
Example of how boosted sales will appear in your Analytics

Don’t want to earn extra sales through this service or fancy opting back in? No problem. Just untick the “feature my listings in Spring’s Boosted Network” option within your Spring account settings here to opt-out.

Insights News

Updates coming to Spring’s custom product line and pricing

High-quality, one-of-a-kind, custom products for all. Like the sound of that? Here’s what to look out for this spring and beyond.

Last year was one for the books; we rebranded to Spring, hit 8 million+ creators, launched new partnerships, and expanded our product offering. We also made a commitment to provide top quality products to our creators and their fans. One of the ways we plan to empower more creators is to tap into bespoke products like never before—with the help of our brand new Custom Products Team.

Expanding custom product access

In the past, creators have had profound success with bespoke products like board games, NFTs, toys, plushies, and puzzles. Moving forward, we want more creators to dream big; launching everything from their own makeup collections, to candles, coin trays, pin packs, perfumes, jewelry, and even food products like coffees and teas.

Our Custom Products Team is dedicated to building powerful partnerships and creating opportunities for creators to offer one-of-a-kind products to their fans. We’ve also ramped up our digital efforts, removing barriers to exciting new products like NFTs, Metaverse merch, and much more to come.

Base cost adjustments  

In tandem with expanding our product line, we also need to make adjustments to our current product offering. Due to increased inflation rates and energy prices, the base cost of several products need to be updated accordingly. This increase enables us to continue offering key features and services like order processing, production, shipping and handling, not to mention our in-house support teams who love to assist you and your fans.

These changes will take effect on June 1st, 2022. You can see impacted product and categories in the table below. You can also reference all product pricing here

Here’s what to expect:

If you’d like to make adjustments ahead of time, you can edit product prices for your listings within your dashboard. If you prefer to wait, no sweat, here’s how the pricing update will work: 

  • As of June 1st, 2022, the specific cost changes listed in the section above will be applied to new product launches.
  • For existing products on the list, the base cost will update once the product’s print cycle restarts (following a sale). 
  • After the base cost is updated, if any products have a negative profit margin, we’ll automatically round the selling price up to the nearest $0.99 amount that ensures profitability.
  • You’ll receive an email notification indicating the products that have been updated so you can make further changes if you like.

For example, if your product has a selling price of $15.00 but has a negative profit margin because of the update to the base cost, we’ll round up the selling price to the nearest profitable amount, for example $15.99, to ensure there is a positive profit margin. 

Don’t forget, if you’re running any promotions make sure you’ve got enough profit margin to support the discount you’re offering. As always, if you have any questions our Creator Experience Team is standing by to help at

Creators Digital Insights

How Sapien Medicine sold 2,600+ NFTs with Mint-On-Demand™

Sapien Medicine is the most successful Mint-On-Demand™ creator on Spring. With an impressive 69 drops and a community of 2,400 NFT holders—read on to learn how do they do it. 

@SapienMedicine is a YouTube creator who connects with their community of 242,000 subscribers through digital artwork, spiritual wellness, and guided meditation. There’s huge demand and value around their NFTs: find out how to engage your fans with NFTs too.

Sapien Medicine—the youtube creator selling NFTs

Ready to start your journey into web3 with your fans? Take note of the ways Sapien Medicine does it and give it a go. Check to see if you’ve got access (If not, you will soon—register your interest here).

Creating hype and demand 

Before Mint-On-Demand, Sapien Medicine started with digital products—selling 4,000+ of them in just over a year. Through only announcing new products via gated forums, the exclusivity around them grew. Sapien’s digital product success meant NFTs were the obvious next step.

Building value and introducing co-creation 

Sapien continued to use their forums to exclusively announce new NFTs and discuss their value; an important community building tactic. They explained:

“Eventually, the process evolved into our community building what they would like in an NFT…then submitting it to me to create. The unique thing about having community project NFTs is that members are pre-invested in the idea, knowing they had a hand in creating it”.

Gated forums give fans the governance to vote on what content comes next, get benefits, and have a say in brand decisions. Becoming an NFT holder became much more than proving ownership—it made them part of the community.

Sapien Medicine's NFTs

Introducing utility for fans

Corpus Spiritus Tarot Deck NFT

Sapien Medicine then decided to take their NFT game to the next level; introducing the Corpus Spiritus Tarot Deck NFT. Each NFT holder received a bonus physical tarot card deck. Adding extra perks made for the perfect way to reward NFT holders for their support and mark the moment physically.

Members of the community went crazy for it. There’s now 205 NFT holders digitally flexing their NFT Tarot Decks. Sapien said:

“We try to add a real world value to it, so there is an actual worth. For examlpe, the Tarot Card Deck is a physical, and the NFT is used as a certifier of the purchase.”

See the full story below.

Now you’ve got tips from one of the best, start thinking about ways you can start co-creating with your community. Create and sell and NFTs for your fans below.

Creators Digital Insights

How to sell NFTs with Super Dacob: minting a milestone

Tons of creators sell NFTs with Mint-On-Demand™—and their fans are already digitally flexing. Read how creator @superdacob dropped 50 NFTs to commemorate a milestone with his community.

Fans are always searching for new ways to support you and your brand. @SuperDacob saw the opportunity to sell NFTs, engage with fans, and mark physical experiences within his community. With Mint-On-Demand™, you can too.

Ready to mint a milestone you have coming up? Head to the card template to start selling your digital collectibles below.

Examples of Spring creator Super Dacob's NFTs

Marking physical moments with NFTs  

YouTube creator @SuperDacob has a diverse, worldwide community tapped into high fashion, luxury, art and culture. Keeping a close eye on the industry, he noticed high profile fashion brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton were offering NFTs. 

After reaching 50,000 subscribers on YouTube, he decided to celebrate by dropping 50 unique NFTs. The limited edition collection would become a tokenized game for the community:

“We decided to launch our own series of fashion-inspired NFTs in a series of playful colors for my fans to collect and trade with each other, making the NFT experience interactive and fun”. 

Making the NFT relevant to fans

Each of the 50 NFTs are 1 of 1, and mimic a different bag material and hardware. The NFT project virtually represents the chase for a rare “unicorn bag” (something his community can relate to). Dacob explains: 

“The collector of the NFT gets to hunt down their favorite hardware… There are no two alike…It’s a game that reflects the chase after unicorn bags in the luxury fashion world, except it’s more sustainable. Once you catch a color-way you like, you can decide to swap it and chase down different variations.”

Promoting the NFT collection 

Dacob sold out by nailing promotion and getting fans hyped. There’s several ways he announced their availability on his store:

How Super Dacob promoted NFTs to their community
  • Announced the drop during 50K celebrations on Livestream and shared the link to his store. Only members could access the live—making the drop exclusive.
  • Communicated the value of the NFT collection and questions in real-time
  • Featured the NFTs in his Linktree—making them discoverable across all social platforms
  • Shared promotional imagery on Instagram 

What kind NFT will you sell first? Check to see if you’ve got access and get started below. (If not, you will soon—register your interest here).

Creators Digital Insights

The future of NFTs with FORJ; 4 facts you need to know

If you missed our Instagram Live with FORJ, it’s worth catching up. Watch the discussion below and learn the in’s and out’s of utility, community engagement, and more as you enter the world of NFTs.

Full livestream with FORJ and Spring team

Ready to get in the game? Begin strengthening your community and start selling NFTs with Mint-On-Demand™ below (If you’re not eligible yet, sign up, you will be soon). 

1. NFTs are the next step for creators.

One thing is clear: NFTs are community builders. Fans are constantly searching for new ways to support you and your career as a creator; and NFTs make for the perfect way to do so publicly. Selling an NFT tokenizes your brand—allowing unlimited utility and endless ways to keep your community engaged in the future. See how other creators are killing it with Mint-On-Demand already.

NFT examples by Spring creators

2. Utility adds value: marking physical experiences for fans 

The future for the creator world is about seamless interaction with digital content and mixing it with the real, physical world. Once upon a time, fans would subscribe to an email list to stay in the know and receive updates. NFTs give communities the chance to have a stake in their creator’s brand—technology has never allowed that.

That’s where ‘utility’ comes in. Soon, creators selling NFTs on Spring will give fans the governance to vote on what content comes next, receive special benefits, and have a stake on brand decisions (stay tuned for ways to give back to NFT buyers).

3. Mint-On-Demand™ allows for eco-friendly NFT minting.

Firstly, the Mint-On-Demand service is designed to reduce energy wastage, by only minting after purchase (more about that further down).

FORJ also works with the Polygon blockchain, allowing more eco-friendly NFT minting. One minted NFT with Polygon uses 3x less energy than streaming a video online for 20 minutes. 

4. Minting after purchase and receiving crypto-wallets: real benefits.

NFTs are only minted after purchase on Spring, reducing energy wastage. Both the creator and the NFT buyer then receive a crypto-wallet containing the NFT—so no need to worry about the technicalities.

In the future, creators will be able to leverage their crypto-wallets to give back to their communities. Prepare to be able to drop surprises in your NFT holders’ wallets, give access to gated chats, send bonus content, and more. 

Digital News

Thousands more creators get access to Mint-On-Demand™ in time for *NEW* card template feature

We promised there was more to come for Mint-On-Demand™. While we roll out access to all Spring creators, we’re coming through with additional features. Here’s the latest.

Introducing the Card Template—version 1 of further enhancements to Spring’s NFT launcher. This new update provides a quick and easy way to make your NFT stand out.   

Enjoy the ability to choose your background color and crop your artwork to fit the card shape provided. Create your digital collectibles using this optional tool and elevate the appearance of your NFT. 

The more exclusive your NFT looks, the more likely it is to sell within minutes—look out for v2 of this enhancement coming soon.

This is just the beginning, so stay tuned.